SATURDAY 09/21/24:
Pedagogy and writing
«Writing self-reflectively and knowledge of self»
Francesco Micheloni - 4 hours on location
Physicality, movement, sport
«Somatic physicality : bodyfulness and movement»
Stefania Melica - 4 hours on location
SUNDAY 22/09/24:
«An awaress experience between self and nature»
Lecturer and guide: Arno Cardini - 8 hours on location
SATURDAY 5/10/24:
Physicality, movement, sport
«Embodiment and yoga»
Stella Yenati - 4 hours on location
«On the path, discovering our own somatic and interior dimension»
Federica Passera - 4 hours on location
SUNDAY 6/10/24:
Psychology and psychotherapy
«False beliefs and the power of free choice: how to liberate the authentic self»
Ilenia La Rocca - 4 hours on location
Pedagogy and education
«Taking care of existence: learning to teach how to live a new life»
Elisabetta Musi - 4 hours on location
SATURDAY 19/10/24:
Conscious body, conscious mind
«Body language and posture: instruments to strengthen empathy in relationships»
Monica Melendez - 4 hours on location
Conscious body, conscious mind
«Salutogenesis: identifying the pathways of self-healing»
Daniela Jurisic - 4 hours on location,
with the participation of Maja Jurisic online
SUNDAY 20/10/24:
Physicality, movement, sport
«Mind, body, energy in sports excellence»
Valentina Beltrami - 4 hours on location
Physicality, movement, sport
«Somatic physicality: bodyfulness and movement»
Stefania Melica - 4 hours on location
Online meetings on a date and time to be defined at the beginning of the course:
Monica Gagliano: 1.30 hour
Emiliano Toso: 1.30 hour