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 Our team is a united group of highly trained professionals each renowned in their specific area of expertise. We are united by our holistic vision and our passion to offering this vision to those whom we treat and teach, in order to promote wellbeing within our species, as well as throughout all the living beings on our living planet.

Stefania Melica is the founder and chief coordinator of our project.

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Arno Cardini

Life and leadership coach. Counselor specialized in psychosynthetic counselling. Expert in Forest Bathing. Personal trainer, MTB/e bike guide. Operator of “forest , soul-contact massage” Creator of “foresting method”. Author of the book «I bared myself in the woods»

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Monica Gagliano

Scientist, specialized in animal and marine ecology, post-doc in research in “Ecology of climate change”, Associate research Professor in Evolutionary Ecology at Southern Cross University of Australia where she was the director of Biological Intelligence until Settembre of 2023. Author of «This is how the plant spoke. An extraordinary voyage of scientific discovery and personal encounters with plants»


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Federica Passera

Doctorate in the science of movement and sport, professor at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore ,  (Milano e Piacenza), in the areas of the Scienze of Education in Primary school and the motor scienze, co founder and secretary of the association “Il cammino del Po”. Author of «Physical Education in Italy, scenarios, challenges, prospectives for the future»


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Stefania Melica

Doctorate in the science of movement and sport, certified trainer in psychocinetics and functional psychomotor  exercise, founder and coordinator of this project “Holistic and creative Pathways” collaborator with various Italian universitiedsin the area of scienze of movement n adolescents and children. Author of  «Neuroscienze in movimento per comprendere e migliorare l’essere umano» (neuroscience in movement, to understand and improve wellbeing in the human being)



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Valentina Beltrami

Doctorate in the scienze of movement and sport, Master F.I.T.P Padel and Tennis, Professional trainer in F.I.T.P., Personal trainer IS.S.A: Master’s degree in Management of Sports and Sport Organizations. Professional athlete in Women’s Soccer, and Padel. Bornze metal winner in the World Championship of Padel, senior division, 2024.


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Daniela Jurisic

Medical doctor, specialized in Physical medicine and Rehabilitation in USA and in Italy, Clinical assistant professor, Medical College of Wisconsin, liaison consultant for abroad experience in Italy for medical students, co-founder of AIM for Health integrative medicine clinics in Pavia and Milano.  Author of the book «La Tua salute su misura» (ed Vallardi, 2021)

Founder of BASIC -health course for promotion of Salutogenesis through Interoception

Consultant for postural training to “Resounding Life LLC”

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Maja Jurisic

Medical doctor specialized in Emergency Medicine and Occupational Medicine, Former Vice President of Concentra Medical Clinics of Occupational Medicine. Founder and president of “Resounding Life, LLC”, a methodology that combines allopathic medicine and sound medicine to create health by retuning the inner self with the outer self and the world around.

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Monica Melendez

Professional counsellor, posturologist, mindfulness coach, doctorate in foreign   language and literature, freelance professional consultant with the University and its professionals in the sector of counsellor. Author of the book: «Essere cura, una rivoluzione gentile»


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Laura Bertelè

Medical doctor, specialized in Orthopedics and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Degree in Psychology. Certified in the Mezieres method for treatment of posture. Founder of the “Bertelé rehabilitattve method” Author of the book: «Incontri con anima di luce»



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Ilenia La Rocca

Professional psychologist and psychotherapist specializing in eating disorders. Professor of music and piano. Professional collaborator within the school system dedicated to both students and teachers.  


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Elisabetta Musi

Associate  Professor of General and Social Education at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Piacenza), member of the Scientific Committee of the the educational series “Infanzia” (Franco Angeli), winner of the “Award for high quality in publications 2017” given by Cattolica University for the monograph «Educare all’incontro tra generazioni”. Vecchi e bambini insieme, Junior, 2014»



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Francesco Micheloni

 Physical Therapist, Counselor  of relational therapy. Master’s degree in formative consulting within the educational system from the University of Verona. Maìtrise En Science de l’Education from the University of Lumière-Lyon 2.  Responsible for the creation of the bachelor’s degree in physical therapy at SUPSI (Lugano). Professor for master’s degree in rehabilitative sciene of the University of Padova.



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Emiliano Toso

Cell bologist, musician and composer  at 432Hz, Founder of the project “Translatonal Music,  Biologo cellulare, Musicista compositore a 432Hz, Fondatore del progetto “Transational Music, a sea of cells under a sky of music”. Author of «In armonia, viaggio alla scoperta del sorprendente legame tra musica e le nostre cellule»


Alessandra Sotti

Teacher of Yoga, Meditation and Sound Healing


Elena Dallatomasina

Maestra d'Arte e Grafica Pubblicitaria. Diploma Nazionale in  Esperta in Bagno di Foresta Metodo Coni/Csen Trentino Alto Adige ed. 2020/21 Docente A. Cardini, riconosciuto dal Ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali.  

Ideatrice e conduttrice del Bagno di Foresta Artistico-Creativo e titolare del progetto "Aruna.eARTh.Atelier" attività creativo/sensoriali in natura in funzione alla Biofilia.

Master in Arteterapia Integrata nella relazione d'aiuto.



Giorgio De Matteis

Insegnante di Thai Chi Chuan (Stile Yang) e Wing Chun Kun (Wong Shun Leung, Lineage). 

Fondatore dell'Associazione C.S.A.O. (Centro Studi Orientali), Pavia.

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